
Possible Merger of The Big Three???

General Motors, Chrysler and Ford may be talking a deal for merging the top three auto manufacturers. Will it be a good move for any of the corporations?
Well sales from since the gas price went up and the present economy crisis, hasn't exactly been in the favor of any of the big 3. Both GM and Chrysler suffered losses in September. Ford and GM hasn't been doing great for atleast the past 4yrs. They both need capital.
If GM and Chrysler were to merge global sales would probably go sky high for GM. That would mean they'd be over Japan's Motors sale. If merger takes place I hope that all 3 corp. will still bring forth their best to be recognised individually. If not, from what i read, there may be more pitfalls they have to face. Good Luck Guys! They surely need it now.

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