
2,600 older workers take buyouts from General Motors

TORONTO (CP) — Younger General Motors workers will be able to keep their jobs because of the large number of buyouts accepted at a soon-to-be shuttered truck plant in Oshawa, Ont., but the Canadian Auto Workers union said Wednesday the solution is nothing more than a "bandage on a very, very deep wound."
More than 2,600 senior workers have agreed to "attractive" early retirement or buyout packages, meaning no layoffs should be necessary when the truck plant closes next July, said CAW Local 222 president Chris Buckley.

I can see clear why the firm would rather buyout the older workers. In a sense it seems like they are taking care of the seniors;providing for their future.If the plant is predicted to be closed next July, it is only fair that the seniors go out with their retirement money. Than to wait for layoffs which would probably turn out to be a nastier job done.
As for the youths, they have been fortunate to remain at the plant but they have to think ahead as to what will happen next July, and how it's going to affect their future. It's truly unfortunate that GM cries are also the cries of hardworking citizens who provides for themselves.

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